Monday, February 17, 2020

Castle Bingo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Castle Bingo - Essay Example The concern is on the two types of the customer that is off line based on attending clubs and on line gamers based on internet and their web sites. The findings from the research are that Castle Bingo online web site concentrates on the information based on the club information. The current location for the main club is favored mostly especially on the by the focusing groups but their experience is expected towards the current location of the sites for the new facilities. The main concern is that the offline and online castle leisure is to focus on the effective marketing research program. Clearly, there is a feeling of the focus group members that the current contract of leisure in problem. This is perceived from the work against all the sports for all the members and the promotion including the management which is mostly concerned with the targeting group. Improving the quality of the on going centers in better location would encourage the current users on the improvement on effective marketing programs though these issues would be addressed in the management teams. Most of the people urge that the council should use its funding including the tax from the councils to provide sports and other services in order to make the marketing research effective and efficiency. The decisions of the managers in Castle Bingo are based on the benefits of the company as a whole but not on the side of the individuals. Castle leisure researches interviewed a representative samples targeting 1000 people from the city using an agreed questionnaire. The studies were concerned with 10 locations for researcher where by the sample sizes were formulated: The following analysis reefers to the total sample of 1020 including the sub groups of the sample based on the location of the interview, age and sex. This usually means that concern is on the basis of justifying the analysis of at least 50 though the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Omnivore's Delemma (Industrial Corn) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Omnivore's Delemma (Industrial Corn) - Essay Example Omnivore's Delemma (Industrial Corn) In 2010 alone, the United States spent $337 billion on the import of crude oil (Shenk, 2011), the U.S. being the largest consumer of oil, using 25.4% of the world’s oil production (Parry & Darmstadter, 2003). However, corn ethanol represents only 1.3% of the total fuel being used in the country for motor vehicles (Pimentel, 2009). Given the facts, it becomes obvious that the production and use of corn could actually help stabilize the economy, rather than being a burden on it. The production of corn being cheaper than the import of oil for the purpose of motor vehicle fuel, it would be prudent to focus on the former than the later. This, combined with the less emission of greenhouse gases, as already discussed, would not only reduce the cost of environmental protection, but would also result in a greener society. Corn and its products are the most demanded consumer product in the food market, either for direct consumption or for indirect consumption due to their use as ingredi ents in other food products. It can be argued that corn is a balanced and a complete diet source, since it offers proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and roughage, and corn oil itself is low in fats, so is often substituted for animal fats and oils. It has already been established that other protein sources like meat present a lot of health hazards, which have not been associated with the use of corn (Biello, 2008). Pollan makes an especial comparison between the cultivation of corn and grass in his book, and glaringly leans in favor of the grass-growers (2006). It could be pointed out that whereas grass itself has limited uses, and cannot be consumed as a food product, being cultivated for the sole purpose of animal feed, corn, on the other hand, has multiple and multi-dimensional purposes, and its cultivation not only provides with a food product, but also other industrial chemicals and products. Therefore, it is only wise to invest on a crop that can cater to a much larg er marker and has a much wider scope and potential. The huge demand of corn reflects on the social mindset and the prevalent lifestyle. To propose a radical and almost completely agonist lifestyle without this essential food ingredient would be to propose a revolution. Pollan might be safe in theory, but his opinions cannot be so readily implemented in reality. Therefore, a compromise could be proposed in which alternate food options are presented along with corn and its products for those customers who subscribe to Pollan’s opinions. This would mean that the market would cater to the popular demand while also taking care of the consumers who want a change. Pollan challenges the